The bad news is, this isn't going to get any better. According to Scripture, it is going to get worse. (Don't leave me just yet). Whether you are a believer in Jesus or not, these same end times still apply. I don't know if you've ever read the Bible before but there is a FASCINATING chapter about what is supposed to happen during the end times! We are all curious about those times and Hollywood is making bank because of our curiosity; however, instead of finding out the truth for ourselves, we rely on Hollywood for the truth. (and quite frankly, how's THAT been workin' out for us?) Many suppose that we are headed into a beautiful time of unity and peace, but that is not Biblical.
Don't you want to KNOW? I mean, seriously... don't you want to KNOW what's supposed to happen to us? Where can we go for the truth? I want some SERIOUS authority on this issue! I don't want to accept guesses and speculation. Where better than the Bible to get this answer? How about from Jesus Himself? You don't have to believe what He says, but you will be amazed at His accurate account of the times we are living in!
Find a Bible and look for the Book of Matthew, go to the 24th chapter. The story begins when Jesus comes out of the temple and His disciples point out all the beautiful architecture of the buildings nearby and Jesus tells them they won't be standing forever... and then He tells them about "the end of the age". He tells them what signs we will see, the things that will be happening and what to expect. That's it. That's chapter 24. All about the end times. These are Jesus' words, not man's. Who would know the answer to this, if not Jesus?
There is one verse in this chapter that really disturbs me. It's verse 12: "And because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold." That should send chills up your spine. When our love grows cold we begin to hate and doubt. We become bitter and distrusting of one another. I submit to you that THIS is why mothers are killing their own children and why bullying is rampant. Our love is fading. We must cling to the love we have! What we need to realize is that love only comes from one source; God. Rumi has some great quotes but he won't get you to heaven. He can give you a "feel-good" moment but it isn't true love. To make it through these times we need to have the real deal and the only way we can get it is from Christ.
After reading this chapter in Matthew, you will see that we are living in these prophetic times. What Jesus said would happen, is happening now. People's love is growing cold. My prayer is that we come to Jesus as our Savior and Provider and ask for more love so that we can fulfill His command to love one another. Now THERE is a love story!
Another great book to read about the end is Revelation. It's a difficult book because there is SO much symbolism but Revelation is the ONLY book ever written that promises a blessing to everyone who reads it. Imagine that?! You have been promised a blessing merely by reading this chapter! (I am now in a study of Revelation and it is amazing!)
You can clearly see what is happening around us and it clearly coincides with what Jesus said would happen. But maybe, you want more proof? There has been an, as yet unfulfilled prophecy concerning the utter destruction of Damascas. Read Isaiah chapter 17. The prophecy is that the city of Damascas will be utterly destroyed within a 24 hour period. This has not happened yet, but it will happen.
Please look at the signs around you and see what God is saying! Is there hope at ALL for us? YES! Jesus is our hope! He has promised His children that He would spare them from His coming wrath. Jesus is the God of love...turn to Him, don't let your love grow cold. Ask for more love and remember to love one another. We need each other in these times. I thank Jesus for His protection and I beg you to consider these prophecies that are being fulfilled right before our eyes. Come to Jesus.
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