Monday, April 13, 2009

Memories to be Savored

Mr. Magoo. The OLD Waldorf Astoria. Coney Island. John Denver. Captain Kangaroo. Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot. The song "America the Beautiful" (when's the last time ya heard THAT?).  Homemade gravy. Dodging bats at night. Satchmo. The Carpenters. The Mamas and Papas. MoonPies. Woodstock. Haight-Ashbury. Tent meetings. Corn bread in milk. Route 66. Walter Cronkite. Coke in a glass bottle. Chewing gum paper chains. Chicklets. The milkman. Gas station attendants. Snow cream. The Beatles. Patsy Cline. Billy Graham Revivals. RC Cola. Tom Landry. 
Party lines. Fibber McGee's closet. Dean Martin. Max Factor. Lucy. Jack LaLane. Dick and Jane. Skipper. Tammy and the Doctor. Gidget. Variety shows.     sigh

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Best Line I've Ever Heard

I never knew her as anything but "High Tea Mama". She was my great Aunt. (pronounced "Ahhhhnt", not "ant").  She was from England and was quite refined and proper. She had lots of 
money and she loved children so she went as a missionary over to China to see what she could do to help. Because she always practiced the tradition of high tea every day, regardless of where she was, the chinese gave her the affectionate name "High Tea Mama". 
One day, she was to meet with a group of men about an orphanage in China. She walked into the room and the men looked up at her from their seats. One man, obviously uncomfortable said, "I'm sorry, High Tea Mama, apparently there are not enough chairs." High Tea Mama smiled and said, "There are plenty of chairs. There just aren't enough gentlemen!".